Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

About Bali

About Bali More than four thousand years ago, Bali was an emerald-green island, covered with tropical forests. The first wave of human arrivals from different seas brought with them the techniques of rice cultivation, new languages ??and new customs. These early immigrants and those who followed over the years has helped to create a haven, providing today's visitors with a wealth of sights, sounds, dance, music, art and remesla.Ostrov of the Gods is located approximately at latitude 8 ° south latitude, and longitude 115 ° east longitude. Bali and neighboring Lombok Island in the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands, and some of the more than 17,000 islands that make up Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the mire.Liniya Wallace, which runs between the island of Bali and Lombok is the boundary between Asia and Australia, thus naturally divides the flora and fauna between the Sunda Shelf of the Sahul Shelf (which includes Australia). To the east lies the island of Java that was once attached to Bali.Hotya little is known about Stone Age people who first settled on the island, the bronze age people in from the left a lasting legacy. Dong Son culture with a highly developed technique of casting bronze objects flourished on the island of Bali. The biggest mystery of the bronze drums of rain, also noted in several other Southeast Asian countriesl, was cast in Bali. It is considered a sacred object, he is revered in Balinese temple Pura Penataran Sasih in Pejeng. Legend has it that a wheel fell off the chariot of the goddess luny.Bronzovy people age, who used the complex art of casting bronze objects, also known methods for dry rice cultivation and the art of weaving. Later waves of immigrants, mostly Malays, brought with them the secret cultivation of wet rice, increasing the yield by several times. This began the transformation of Bali in a complex system of irrigation, which will provide water to the rice terraces. Rice then became the staff of life and measure bogatstva.Korolevstv began to flourish on the basis of wealth, with all to play a tribute to pre-Hindu form of Sri Devi, the goddess of rice favorite, presented in an ancient form of chile motif is found today in predlozheniyah.Induizm was introduced in Bali Brahmin priests in the first century AD. These priests traveled with the Indian merchants, who were looking for a fabulous wealth of the islands in this region. Hinduism in Bali caught because he had received the patronage of kings. Buddhism has also been adopted, and both religions are mixed with elements of the old animistic belief. For Bali, the remnants of these early independent kingdoms were found, confirming their earlier practices and verovaniya.Iz numerous stories about the old, tells of a legendary evil king with the head of a pig trouble with the name of Ulu, the same name, this modern village Bedulu, the site of the city. The other is related to the giant Kebo Iwa, who is said to have cut a lot of caves with their fingernails. These stories are still told to this day is over naroda.Odnako Hinduism and its offshoot Buddhism, which achieved a dominant position on the Balinese way of life. Even the inscriptions left by the early kingdoms were in a form and language of ancient India. Later monuments used a combination of Indian and Balinese yazyki.Ryadom with Bedulu is Goa Gajah (Elephant Cave), a religious complex, which combines both the practice of Hinduism and Buddhism. Within this complex there is a cave to meditate with three sets of lingga (phallus) of Lord Shiva, holy pool for swimming and sculpture Hariti, Buddhist bozhestva.Neskolko other monuments still stand as evidence of a glorious past in the history of Bali. Mount Gunung Kawi, or the poet a few houses of 11th century royal tombs. The list will seem endless for the student to the early history of Bali and is just as fascinating for the modern traveler den.No, in the 12th century, this glorious period comes to an end with the invasion of Majapahit Empire, the army and the brilliant general of Gadjah Mada. Bali is an important province of East Java is the kingdom, which became one of the most powerful empires in this part of the world. They say that the Hindu Majapahit Empire gave Bali the form and structure, which stands to this day. The caste system, rules and rituals, art and architecture of the temple was transferred out of this powerful empire. But Islam began to gain a foothold in the region in the 15th century, most of the close ties with India were broken. Even the mighty Majapahit crashing to the 12th century, many Javanese nobility moved to Bali, the last bastion of Hinduism, taking with him his court rituals and praktik.Levy on its own, Bali will return to their animistic past. But it was a time when the gamelan, dance, drama and puppet shadow play would develop and prosper. In addition, there was a time of profound change, because not only will the rise of Islam, but the first in the West began poyavlyatsya.Gollandsky admiral, Cornelius Houtman arrived on the coast of Bali in 1598 in a friendly reception from WATU Renggong who was king of a unified Bali. Inspired by this gesture, the Dutch called the island of New Holland and their influence grew over the archipelago. But with the death WATU Renggong, other rulers will rule on their own at the same time paying homage to the Virgin Agung - the honorary title of Raja of Klungkung. The rulers often interact with each other in bloody wars and conflicts vzyal.Eto period would change in the 19th century, when the Dutch began to gain a foothold in the different regions. Bali had been a thorn in the Dutch ambitions, as they seemed to enjoy the independence and prosperity. In 1840 the Dutch established three wars to gain control of northern Bali. They succeeded only because the other rulers sought Dutch assistance on Bali for their own local heroes dohodov.Suschestvovali as Gusti Djelantik, who managed to defeat the West in one case, a brilliant move of pretending to retreat only to the army, are now filled for the trust for the Jagaraga hills to the north, where they were ambushed. Ill-equipped local forces, often easily Outgunned Dutch, with their modern oruzhiem.Gollandskaya launched a series of brutal campaigns in the archipelago, and it seemed it was a blow aimed at Bali. The answer was typical in Bali. Local kings led their followers in puputan («End"), which were given to all the rites of the dead, and then marched out to be a cut-off Dutch shooting. Those still standing have been cut down to his followers, thus providing them with the heavenly way to a glorious paradise of his illustrious predkov.Puputan occurred between 1906 and 1908, when the kings of Denpasar and Klungkung chose this path, but do not give up. Thus, the Dutch gained control over the island and imposed their brand of colonialism, which even included slavery and forced labor. With the colonial power in the firm control of the first wave of tourism began to "discover" the world will ostrova.Vskore hear about Bali Island of the Gods, dance and drama. Thousands to descend on the island in search of bronze drums and bare-chested beauties, and some will make their home here or take with him some exotic object to decorate your home in the west. Even the local royalty gets in the act of competing with each other to work out of cars and even a prince of many Western domov.Iz who fell to the charms of Bali, perhaps the most famous was Walter Spies, a German painter, who left a legacy for all to see. Arts and crafts have been given new life to supply the needs of tourists. It was a golden age in the history of Bali. The film makers would perpetuate the island, while the book will capture all the charm and style of life in the 20th century Bali.No Bali will also suffer from natural disasters, earthquake and volcano Batur in 1917 led to the loss of human lives and untold suffering, the island was hit by the Great Depression. However, Bali has remained in the minds of most of the island as a holiday and almost every new coach nee.Dazhe fell in love with the Japanese occupation was only a temporary obstacle. Slowly, after the end of World War II, Sukarno, who was part of Bali, Indonesia will declare an independent state, and with it regained its freedom in Bali navsegda.Pervye days after the 1945 Declaration of Independence was tough islanders, like the rest of the country. But Indonesia was an independent reality and the young nation set its own course. Tighter times ahead, when, in 1960, the island will suffer from hunger and the first known eruption of Mount St, Mount Agung. Then, as the Balinese society itself is deeply divided between political ideologies and the protection of thousands of victims on the island before the New Order government led by President Suharto restored peace, and gave the nation a new napravlenii.Turisticheskie hotel, at the same time, if there were a few parts of the island . The tourism industry is thriving will soon get the status of being in the number of foreign workers return to the country. Almost every major hotel chain in the world, currently represented on the island. Dream turning into a tourist haven of Bali has now become a reality. Although the early attractions were mostly around Sanur and Kuta, Nusa Dua complex, and even planned to Kuta Beach, which was unplanned, were major centers of interest to turistov.V Kut, surfers, hippies and tourists has led to its rapid growth, and even to this day remains a place where you will find a real holiday-maker. But Bali has much more to those who really want to spend time enjoying the lifestyle, traditions, friendship and inspiration. Go to Ubud, to immerse yourself in the arts and crafts to Batubulan for the stone carving on the Mac for the silver and gold to Tenganan for geringsing cloth. You can spend a lifetime here, and yet always find some place new, something that you missed. This is the charm and beauty of Bali. Arrive on its shores and swept his legs to be ready.

Giri Hill No.11 Nusa Dua - Bali
Phone:        081 2396 2397
Mobile:  +6281 2396 2397
E-mail : E-mail: ony_13@yahoo.com
Web: http://onybalitour.blogspot.com

BEDUGUL, Tanah Lot, Jimbaran TOUR

BEDUGUL, Tanah Lot, Jimbaran TOUR
The program choices for those who are already tired of the hustle and bustle of the urban environment, because this program will lead you to the cool mountains and beautiful.
Departure at 09.00 hours from the hotel, tourist site to visit:

Taman Ayun * | Royal temple, surrounded by a pool and beautiful garden, which is the royal family peningalan Mengwi.
* Bedugul | Oolong Danu Beratan, which is located in the center of the lake with the most stunning mountain scenery.
* Alas Kedaton | Monkey Forest, a small forest communities hundreds of wild monkeys and hand.
* Tanah Lot | temple in the middle of the sea, surrounded by stunning views of the sea,
* Jimbaran | Famous Seafood Village, perfect for watching the sunset at the restaurant, which was created in the table on the beach

Giri Hill No.11 Nusa Dua - Bali
Phone:        081 2396 2397
Mobile:  +6281 2396 2397
E-mail : E-mail: ony_13@yahoo.com
Web: http://onybalitour.blogspot.com

Kintamani Tour

Kintamani Tour
One of the favorite programs of the tour, which is much favored by tourists who come to Bali.
Departure at 08.30 hours from the hotel, tourist attraction to visit are:

* Batubulan Village | Barong and Keris dance.
* Tohpati Village | Bali Batik Handicraft Centre.
* Celuk village | village is famous for its craftsmen Gold and Silver Smith.
* Mas Kemenuh | center of the village on the art of carving wood.
* Tampaksiring | Pura eyes with holy water, as a place to "clean up" a people in Bali.
* Kintamani | beautiful panorama of the mountains and the lake Batur with lunch in the restaurant (kind of Vulcano)
* Tegalalang | Rice Terraces
* Ubud | Painting Village is very popular around the world.

Giri Hill No.11 Nusa Dua - Bali
Phone:        081 2396 2397
Mobile:  +6281 2396 2397
E-mail : E-mail: ony_13@yahoo.com
Web: http://onybalitour.blogspot.com

Uluwatu Temple

Uluwatu Temple Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple or Pura Uluwatu is located near the village of Pecatu, district of Kuta, Badung.The temple is located on the south-west of the island of Bali on the bridge and the cliffs projecting into the sea is high, and it is the Temple of Heaven garden Indians as a buffer 9 wind. This temple was originally used as a place of worship of the holy priest of the 11th century, named after Professor Kuturan. He lowered his teaching traditional village with all the rules. This temple is also used to worship the holy priest that followed, namely Dang Hyang Nirartha, who came to Bali in late 1550 and finish the trip with the so-called sacred or Ngeluhur Moksah in this place. The word at the beginning of the name Luhur Uluwatu temple.Pura Uluwatu is located at a height of 97 meters above sea level. In front of the temple is a small forest is called the base kekeran, the sanctity of the temple serves as a buffer.Pura Uluwatu temple has several pesanakan, the temple is closely associated with the parent church. This Pura Pura pesanakan Bajurit, Pererepan Pura, Pura Pura Pura Grebe and Dahl Dahl Selonding Pangleburan. Each temple has a strong relationship with Pura Uluwatu, especially in the days of his piodalan. Piodalan at Pura Uluwatu, Pura Bajurit, Pura Pura Toadstool Pererepan and fell on Tuesday Kliwon Wuku Medangsia every 210 days. Manifestation of God worshiped in the temple of the god Rudra Uluwatu.

Giri Hill No.11 Nusa Dua - Bali
Phone   :        081 2396 2397
Mobile  :   +6281 2396 2397
E-mail  :   ony_13@yahoo.com
Web     :   http://onybalitour.blogspot.com

Tanah Lot-Bali Indonesia

Tanah Lot is a tourist attraction in Bali, Indonesia. There are two temples are situated on a large rock. One of them is located in the upper crust, while the other is on the rocks are similar to Pura Uluwatu. Pura Tanah Lot temple is part of Dang sky. Pura Tanah Lot sea temple temple guardian gods of the sea.According to legend, this temple was built by the Brahmins, who wanders from Java. He replaced Nirartha, which will strengthen the confidence Balinese Hinduism, and to build a paradise on Garden of the 16th century. At that time the ruler of Tanah Lot, Bendesa Beraben, envied him, because his followers began to leave and follow Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben Nirartha ordered to leave the Tanah Lot. He agreed, and before leaving the Tanah Lot and its power to move the stone blocks in the center of the beach (no sea view) and built temples. She also changed her handkerchief into a snake guards the temple. This snake is still there today, and involves scientific snakes species of sea snakes that have a characteristic flat tail like a fish, striped yellow and black have 3 times more potent poison of a cobra snake. The end of the legend states that Bendesa Beraben ", finally," a follower of Nirartha.Things to land located Tabanan regency in the village Beraban Kediri district, about 13 kilometers west of Tabanan. Pure Land in the north where the temple is situated on a rock protruding into the sea. This rock temple of touch with the ground and form a bridge (arch). Tanah Lot is known as a great place to watch the sunset (sunset), tourists are usually crowded in the afternoon to see the beauty of the sunset here.

Giri Hill No.11 Nusa Dua - Bali
Phone:        081 2396 2397
Mobile:  +6281 2396 2397
E-mail : E-mail: ony_13@yahoo.com
Web: http://onybalitour.blogspot.com

Dance of Bali

Dance of BaliThe basis of Balinese culture is dance that is performed during temple festivals and ceremonies in the cycle of life and death. What's happening in hotels and restaurants for tourists is only a small part of what Balinese dance can predlozhit.S long Balinese history is recorded in writing, his dance there. The ninth century inscriptions called Wayang (puppet theater) and Topeng (mask dance), and the main entertainment of the day. Gamelan music goes back even further on the culture of Dong Son bronze of the first millennium BC. Along with dance trance, many Balinese dance heritage is really going on with the Balinese Java.Istoriya tantsevPosle Majapahit soldiers conquered Bali in the 14th century, Javanese mini principalities and courts soon appeared everywhere, thus creating a unique blend of the court and peasant culture that Bali - is very complex, dynamic and alive. The accompanying narrative for dance and drama to a large extent based on court stories from pre-Majapahit Java. Even the Indian epics, another favorite scenes, especially the Javanese Wayang use, complete with long quotations from the poetry of the ancient Javanese Kakawin So Javanese culture that disappeared from Java following Islamization in the l6th century, still preserved in Bali, "Bali forms," ??which became a classic Balinese kultury.Tem however, colonization led to the fall of classical Bali. In the rural courts defeated and the new rulers of the earth, the center of creativity shifted to village associations, as well as the development of tourism. In the 30s and 50s were particularly fertile decades, while the old story has led the theater survived, lively solo dances appeared everywhere, accompanied by a new, dynamic music called gong kebyar. This trend continued into the 60s and 70s with the creation of colossal ballet sendratari, representing the ancient Indian and Javanese stories adapted to the needs of modern auditorii.Tantsy religiyaBaliysky and dance are inseparable from religion. A small supply of food and flowers must precede even dances for tourists. Before performing, many dancers praying at their holy family, referring to the saint "taksu" (inspiration) from bogov.V this rural tradition, people say that peace and harmony is dependent on the protection of the gods and ancestors. The dance is in this context can perform a number of specific functions: a) as a channel for visiting gods or demonic gods, the dancers act as a sort of living repository. These include trance dancing in San Hyang Dedari, with the girls in a trance, and Sang Hyang Jaran, fire dance, and b) as a welcome for visiting gods, such as the Pendet, Rejang Sutri and dances, and c) as entertainment for visiting gods, such as Topeng and Wayang.V some of these dances, dances the role is so important that it is actually the key to the meaning can be found in the ritual. In wayang performances, puppet master is often regarded as "priest" holy consecration vodoy.Tak well as their use in religious ceremonies, dance and drama also have strong religious content. It is often said that the drama is the preferred medium in which the tradition of Balinese cultural transmission. Episodes is usually associated with religious ceremonies that take place during the wedding does wedding story to the ritual death is a visit to "hell" in the characters. Clowns (penasar) comment in Bali, interspersing their jokes with religious and moral commentary on the history of the narrative is to use the Kawi (Old Javanese). Typical posture of Balinese dance has bent legs half of the body is shifted toward the elbow stronger and lowered in a gesture that shows flexibility of the hands and fingers. The body is shifted in symmetry with the weapon. If the arm to the right, shifting to the left, and naoborot.Pomimo costumes, male and female roles can be distinguished mainly a selection of these movements. Woman's legs are bent and pressed against each other, legs open to reveal a sensual comprehensive on the back. Men's legs and shoulders pulled up convex, with a more pronounced gestures, giving the impression of movement sily.Tantsevalnye follow each other in a continuous gesture without interruption and without a jump (with the exception of some demonic or animal characters.) Each basic posture (agem), such as open and holding the curtain fabric, developed in another agem through a sequence of secondary gestures or tandang. The transition from one series to another, and the change from right to left and vice versa, characterized by short jerky emphasis called angsel. Expression of complete facial expression: tangkep. Even his eyes dancing, as can be seen in the profits and Trunajaya dancing. Dancing on BaliTantsy is the main form of Balinese culture and art held in the main church festivals and ceremonies, especially for the cycle of life and death. He taught and kept secret in the villages, halls and palaces, the dances that tourists witness in hotels and purpose-built stages only a small part of the dance scene, though most of the dancers came from the village grupp.Kecak tantsaEgo name comes from the sound of "SAC", pronounced " choke, "which he sang in a set of interrelated models that are similar to the rhythmic patterns played on the gamelan. The modern form of Kecak originated from Gianyar village Bedulu in 1930 as a result of the German order of a foreign artist, Walter Spies. He wanted to create a performance that may be available for a small circle of international artists, as he himself, as well as friends and guests ostrova.Sovremennoe Kecak performance is sensational spectacle. Hundreds barechested people sit in a circle with a flickering kerosene lamp in the middle. "Cak - Cak - Cak", begins to sing, and people start dancing, swaying to the rhythmic reflection of his own voice. Hands raised to the sky, bodies shaking in unison, the choir performs a highly structured vocal music for an hour. This unique dance has the title of the most popular dance in the dance Bali.Barong "The Lord of the Forest" and magical defense of villages Balinese, Barong is a mythical, half shaggy dog, half-lion creature with a long mane, fantastic fangs and bulging eyes. He is driven by two men who maneuvered with a fancy suit and mischievous movements to express their cheerful nature. The enemy is the Barong Rangda, the evil witch who rules over the spirits of darkness. Barong dance symbolizes the eternal struggle between good and evil. Barong and Rangda The fight is also the theme of traditional narrative performed in temples and takes many forms. Barong bursts fall on the gamelan, jump around a bit and enjoy the recognition of his supporters - a group of men holding Chris. Then ferocious Rangda appears lolling her long tongue, baring her threatening fangs, her neck draped with human entrails ... not krasivo.Poedinok begins. Each enemy is trying to overcome the other magical powers, but when things do not look too good for the Barong, supporters attack Rangda with krises reduce or stop it. In response, Rangda have them all in a trance, with its mystical powers and make them hit themselves with arms in their hands. Fortunately, Barong possesses magic that is strong enough to captivate krises from harm men. This event will be part of the dance, gamelan rings madly and intensely as people rush back and forth, waving krises in a frenzy, and sometimes even rolling on the ground in a desperate attempt to stab himself. Often it seems that a plot to scare the audience in the front row! Eventually, Rangda will retire, defeated. Again, good will reign over zlom.Legong KeratonSamy graceful of Balinese dances, the epitome of classical female Balinese dance. Legong, as a dancer, as you know, often young girls of eight or nine years, rarely older than her early teens. It was first established in the 18th century and is usually the first dance on training for beginners. There are many forms of Legong, the most frequently performed dance is Legong Keraton or Legong is very stylized Legong dvortsa.Istoriya and symbolic, and you need to know the story before you actually watch the show. Legong is composed of three dancers - two legongs and their "attendant», condong. Legongs the same costumes in gold brocade, which is so closely linked that it is a mystery so excited and rapid movement can be made. With elaborately made-up face, plucked eyebrows, which are safely repaint and hair adorned with frangipanis, the dancers are a fascinating story of the first prisoner takes dvizheniya.Korol Rangkesari. When her brother comes to free her, Rangkesari asks the king to release it and not go to war. The king refuses, and the chances of a bird carrying a bad omens on the way to battle. However, it ignores the bird meets the brother Rangkesari, and thus, killed in boyu.Roli dancers can vary depending on the narrative. Nevertheless, the dance usually begins with the king to fight, and ends with the emergence of avian equivalent of poleta.BorisMuzhskoy Legong, Boris is a warrior dance. Performed with an energetic and warlike fighting spirit, a dancer must give Boris thoughts and feelings of a soldier preparing for action, as well as the enemy in battle. This dance is performed solo and requires a lot of energy, spirit and skill. Change the mood of a warrior should be shown through facial expressions and movements, he should be able to portray the nobility, pride, anger, skill and a little regret. Boris is one of the most complex of all the Balinese dances.

Giri Hill No.11 Nusa Dua - Bali
Phone:        081 2396 2397
Mobile:  +6281 2396 2397
E-mail : E-mail: ony_13@yahoo.com
Web: http://onybalitour.blogspot.com